Annual seminary of PV-STAR – 21 mai 2024

May 24, 2024

The PV-STAR annual seminar was held on Tuesday, 21 May 2024, in the presence of representatives from the Occitanie Region. The RHyO (hydrogen) and O3T (observation of the impact of climate change) Key Challenges also participated, enabling interdisciplinary exchange. The aim of the meeting was to present the progress of research carried out under PV-STAR and to identify cross-cutting issues between key challenges in order to develop joint calls for projects (a first initiative since the creation of the key challenges programme).

After welcoming the audience, Gilles Flamant, co-sponsor of the PV-STAR project, emphasised the originality of the research carried out within this framework. Bilel Saïd, project manager for the Occitanie region, outlined the origins of the key challenges and the expected objectives of this innovative regional programme.

Doctoral students Zacharie Menard, Vladyslava Lunova, Antoine Fées and Ardalan Nasri presented the progress of their respective theses. At the end of their presentations, they answered questions from the audience, a moment of exchange that is essential for the continuation of their work.

Zacharie Menard then proceeded to present a joint project on a “general model for evaluating and comparing hybrid solar systems” with Miguel Sainz-Manãs and Lucile Marcheral, doctoral students at PROMES working on subjects related to PV-STAR. This presentation provided an opportunity to gather informed opinions from the community present, thereby helping to improve their concept.

To conclude the morning session, Johanna Calles and Caroline Badouel, RHyO and O3T project leaders, outlined the areas of expertise of their respective initiatives, introducing the interdisciplinary workshops scheduled for the afternoon.

In the early afternoon, Maxime Giteau, a postdoctoral student at the PROMES laboratory in Odeillo, presented a talk entitled “solar thermophotovoltaics with integrated storage”. The talk examined the potential benefits of combining the thermal storage of solar thermal power plants with the modularity of photovoltaics and the associated challenges.
Then, Participants took part in workshops led by Yvan Cuminal, co-leader of the PV-STAR project. The first discussion in relation to the RHyO key challenge focused on the theme of “PV/electrolysis coupling”, with a videoconference presentation by Christophe Tenailleau, researcher at CIRIMAT. The second discussion explored the common themes between O3T and PV-STAR, identifying two main topics: “climate change and modification of the characteristics of radiation incident on photovoltaic panels” and “evolution of heat waves and their impact on the performance of solar PV plants”.

Further meetings have been scheduled to implement future joint projects and/or calls for projects. The day concluded with a tour of the PROMES-Perpignan laboratory facilities, led by Thierry Talbert, teacher-researcher, and Françoise Massines, laboratory director.

This seminary has played a pivotal role in fostering interdisciplinary and innovative collaboration, laying the foundation for ambitious collaborative projects in the field of renewable energies in the context of climate change.