National Photovoltaic Days

Dec 9, 2023

The PV-STAR team took part in the 13th edition of the National Photovoltaic Days from 5th to 8th December 2023, in Dourdan.

This event targets the entire French scientific community working on photovoltaic.

The PhD students, Zacharie Menard (PV-STAR), Lucile Maréchal and Miguel Sainz-Manas, presented a poster about the evaluation of hybrid solar systems.

The principle is to evaluate the added value of hybrid solar energy conversion systems, compared to their subsystems.

To achieve this, they identified 2 technical indicators and 1 economic indicator, which they applied to 3 families of hybrid systems: PV-CSP, PV-T, PV-PV. In this way, it is possible to quantify how a hybrid system exceeds the performance of a solar conversation system when used alone.

For instance, we can compare the performance of a PV-CSP hybrid system with that of a PV system alone and a CSP system alone.

On the other hand, Alexis Vossier, researcher in the PROMES laboratory and director of the PV-STAR PhD, together with Thomas Fasquelle (IUSTI laboratory), presented a pitch on the technical, economic and environmental evaluation of different solar energy production systems (PV, CSP) combined with both energy storage systems (battery and thermal storage).

The comparison of the technical and environmental indicators of the systems studied makes it possible to identify :
– the technologies best suited to meet the growing demand for electricity with the least environmental impact ;
– the key components of these systems that should be developed in order to reduce the carbon footprint of electricity production.

The National Photovoltaic Days have been a positive and rewarding experience for PV-STAR.