a key challenge for the for French Occitanie region

Key challenge, Occitanie region

The Occitanie region invests considerable resources in higher education and research to bolster business innovation, generate employment opportunities, and promote sustainable regional development for addressing substantial transition challenges (including energy, environment, climate, food, health, socio-economy, etc.).

As a part of this initiative, the region has launched a set of "Key Challenges" to support research in strategic areas, in line with the regional ambitions set out in the Green Pact. The initiative is founded on a close partnership with local research and higher education stakeholders. The objective is combining expertise and resources to achieve common goals and create synergies.
In 2020, the Occitanie region launched and supported 4 "prototype key challenges". After their successul completion, the region has decided to support 11 additional projects, including "PV-STAR" (Photovoltaics in non-standard conditions), which receives €2 million over 4 years to implement its action plan.
The aim of these "Key Challenges" is to position the Occitanie region as a leader in innovative fields and foster new abilities and future professions.
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