Talking about energy transition

Feb 29, 2024

On Monday 26th February 2024, PV-STAR organised a workshop on raising public awareness of energy transition issues.

The event took place at the School of INP-ENSIACET Toulouse, and was organised in collaboration with Kimiyo, Instant Science, RHyO and Genyo as part of the Echsociences Occitanie network.

The day’s program included:

– Presentation of Occitanie Region’s Key Challenges.

– Speed meeting with clean energy initiatives: hydrogen fresco, artistic visit, game, eloquence competition, box of trades, escape game…

– 5 collaborative workshops. PV-STAR led a working group on the issue of “how to design a tour of an experimental site?”. After three hours of work, the idea that emerged was a stroll through the laboratory. During the tour, a researcher from the laboratory discusses with a hologram of a past researcher. They dismantled preconceived notions about energy.

The day provided an opportunity to bring together scientific, academic, local and cultural players to initiate projects that raise awareness of the energy transition by sharing knowledge.